


"Human beings are a sum total of heredity, environment and food. Heredity is not under our control, environment"

Human beings are a sum total of heredity, environment and food. Heredity is not under our control, environment is parally controllable and food is completely in our hands. The knowledge of food & nutrion sciences does not merely address the amelioraon of deficiency diseases;. it plays a major role in the prevenon of such diseases in the first place and maintaining a healthy body. Oen, there is a gap between knowledge and pracce. This is parcularly true when it comes to our dietary paerns. Ignorance, habits and ill-conceived noons from hear-say could impair the balance of nutrion our body needs. Careful aenon is then required to correct such nutrional disturbances . We at Sardana Labs are helping people make the right choices of their food intake with minimum possible changes to their exisng diet paern in order to meet their nutrional requirements and achieve the goal of a healthy body. A nutrionist with over 25 years of experience analyses food habits and recommends the changes required.